
Bamboo Shoots and Chicken with Sweet Chili Mayonnaise

Bamboo Shoots and Chicken with Sweet Chili Mayonnaise

150 grams Boiled bamboo shoots
150 grams Boneless chicken legs
1 dash Salt
1 Vegetable oil
2 tbsp ★Sweet chili sauce (→Recipe
25 grams ★Mayonnaise
1/2 tsp Soy sauce
1 Ichimi spice

1  Thoroughly mix the ★ ingredients to make the sauce.

2  Cut the boneless chicken legs into bite-sized pieces and sprinkle with salt.

3  Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and stir-fry the chicken. When it is nearly cooked through, add the bamboo and continue to stir-fry.

4  Once the Step 3 ingredients have cooked through, add the soy sauce and fry gently.

5  Add the Step 1 sauce to Step 4, simmer slightly, and once the flavors meld together it's done!

6 Though this is made with chili sauce, the addition of the mayonnaise makes it mild, so if you like spicy food you can add ichimi spice on top.

Recipe by BIBI sumire
Translated by  COOKPAD

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