
Flower Sushi Roll for Hina Matsuri or Mother's Day

Recipe :  Flower Sushi Roll for Hina Matsuri or Mother's Day

Ingredients about 4 servings (10 cm sushi roll)
250grams Sushi rice
2 sheets Nori seaweed (→?
5 to 6
Red Satuma-age (Satuma-age is a fried fish paste) or White fish sausage. (For more details, see my comments.)
1 Sakura denbu (mashed and seasoned pink fish) (→?
1 White ground sesame seeds
1 Fried egg crepe
1 Fish sausages
1 Japanese cucumber
1 Cheese, Carrots for decorations
1 to 2 Uncooked spaghetti noodle


1  Cut the nori into fourths and make 6 square sheets. If making a flower with 7 petals make 7 sheets of nori.

2  Mix 30 g of sushi rice with sakura denbu. Mix the remaining sushi rice with sesame seeds.

3  Roll the omelet tightly and cut off the last 4 to 5 cm for use later.

4  Wrap the egg in nori and trim the length to 10 cm.

5  Wrap each red filler in nori.

6  On top of a sushi mat covered with cling film, line up the logs, stuffing sushi rice in between ( It works better if the sushi rice is shaped into triangles).


7  Place the egg log in the center using 3 logs as a base and top with 4 more logs.

8  Fill the gaps with sushi rice.

9  Bring up the edges of the mat to shape.

10  On a sushi mat covered in cling film, spread sushi rice to a depth of 10 cm.

11  Place the flower log on the sushi rice and roll up.

12  Pack sushi rice on the ends, and give it a good squeeze to completely conceal the flower.

13  Use a vegetable peeler to slice the fish sausage and cucumber. Cut the remaining egg to equal length.

14  Decorating: Place the items prepared in Step 13 on the log and secure each side with an uncooked spaghetti noodle.

15  Place the pink sushi rice on top.

16  Use a cookie cutter to cut shapes out of the cheese and carrots for decorations.

17  Everyone will be surprised when you slice it open to reveal the beautiful flower inside!

Helpful Hints
Tips for fish sausage:
In Step 11, don't fill the gaps with rice, just wrap in nori and line up, placing the egg on top, then adjust the shape using the sushi mat. This will create a plum blossom instead of a daisy.

Recipe by BiBi Sumire
Translated by  COOKPAD

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