
Temari-Zushi with Aromatic Basil For Parties,Bentos

 Recipe :  Temari-Zushi with Aromatic Basil
      For Hanami Cherry Blossom Viewing Parties or Bentos

100 grams ★Sushi rice:
1 tsp ★Lemon juice
1 tsp ★ Genovese sauce (→Recipe
1 and 1/2 Cream cheese (sliced)
2 Boiled shrimp
12 Usuyaki tamago (2-cm squares) (→?
12 Violets (edible type)
12 Mint leaves
5 cm Daikon radish
1 Salt
1 Amazu (sweetened vinegar) →( Recipe

1  Cut out a 6 to 7-cm diameter circle from the center of a 5-cm section of daikon, then thinly slice.

2  Sprinkle salt on the daikon slices, then let sit for 10 minutes. Rinse in water, blot off the excess moisture, then soak in amazu.

3  Cut the cheese into 12 equal sections. Slice the shrimp down the middle, then cut each half into thirds.

4  Combine the ★ ingredients, divide into 12 portions, then roll into balls.

5  Place the daikon from Step 2 on top of a sheet of plastic wrap (or use 2-3 if the flowers are big), then place the violet face down on top, then the shrimp and mint leaf.

6  On top of the leaf, place a square of usuyaki-tamago and a slice of cheese.
Temari-Zushi with Aromatic Basil Hanami Cherry Blossom Viewing Parties or Bentos

7  Top this all with a ball of rice from Step 4.

8  Wrap tightly in plastic wrap, then shape each roll into a round ball.

These also look charming with nanohana.

Recipe by BiBi Sumire
(Western-Style Temari-Zushi For Hanami Cherry Blossom Viewing Parties or Bentos
Translated by  COOKPAD)

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