
Ballet Sushi Pointe Shoes

Recipe :   Ballet Sushi Pointe Shoes


350 grams Cooked sushi rice
1 Sakura denbu (→?
2 slice Sliced cheese
1 sausage Fish sausages
1 Dried cellophane noodles, etc.

1  Use a peeler to cut thin strips of sausage. Each ribbon will require a set of two slices, one about 0.7 x 7 cm and the other 0.8 x 2 cm. Prepare 5 sets.

2  Take the longer strip and form it into a ring.

3  Wrap the shorter strip around the center of the ring prepared in Step 2, and tie the ends together with a piece of cellphone noodle (or whatever you choose to use).

4  Make 5 of the same ribbons from the cheese.

5  Cut out 10 slices from the cheese using an ellipse-shaped cutter.

6  Divide the vinegared rice into two 175 g portions, and mix the sakura denbu into one. Then, divide both the pink and white portions of rice into 5 smaller portions.

7  Take the rice portions from Step 6 and shape them into small, flattened barrels. make slight depression in the centers.

8  Place the cheese ellipses on top of the depressions you formed in Step 5.

Ballet Sushi Ballerina Tutus(→ Recipe

Recipe by BiBi Sumire
Translated by  COOKPAD

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